Hunting With The Curmudgeon: Pics

This is Dr. Mingo. I read Adaptive’s post from a few days ago when he teased me about posting hunting photos and pulled a virtual “Rick roll”. What a bunch of whiny blather. Pics or it didn’t happen overrides all!

I discussed the matter with the only real authority at the Curmudgeon Compound, his dog.  AC’s dog is a fickle creature.  Most of the time it regards humans as inferior beings put on earth to cater to its needs.  AC could have gotten a cat for that matter.   But unlike a cat, which perpetually communicates disdain for its owner and everything else, the dog has an apt system for communicating with humans.  AC considers his dog the font of wisdom.  But after lengthy observation of interactions between AC and the dog, I noted that the dog mirrors the responses of a Magic 8 Ball.

Most questions to the dog result in a blank stare, the subtleties of which imply a non-committal response, “Reply hazy try again” or “Ask again later.”  When asked a question and the dog licks itself, the answer is always affirmative.  So on to the question of the photo.

Mingo:  “With my new found powers, should I publish the AC’s deer photo?”

Dog licks its privates.  “Yes.  Definitely!”

The dog and I are in agreement that there’s nothing wrong with posting hunting photos provided the photos are properly redacted, scrubbed, or possibly photoshopped. Therefore, I present the buck with proper OPSEC editing:

I will neither confirm nor deny that this is a deer.

I will neither confirm nor deny that this is a deer.

About Adaptive Curmudgeon

I will neither confirm nor deny that I actually exist.
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